What is a Blog

Often audiences ask what is between a blog and what is the difference between a blog and a website.

Before starting a blog or website you must know about it. 

In this article, we will explain what is a blog and how it is different from websites.

What is a Blog

A blog is a type of website where content(posts) are arranged in chronological order with the most recent post at the top of the page to the older posts towards the bottom of the page.

For example, If you look at my blog’s main page, you will get new content at the top.

In simple words:
A blog is an online diary where we update our personal lives, own thoughts, skills, and information.

Blogs are written by one person or group to share information with internet users and it updated regularly. Blogs are written on a particular topic.

Every person has some skills and blogs are written by them on that particular topic that they master.

A blog is the best option to share your knowledge with other people and help them by solving their problems.

History Of The Blog

Blog Structure

Footer Widget

Blog & Website – What is the difference between a Blog and a Website

Blogs are a type of website.

There are many differences between a blog and a website which we are going to see now.


  • The basic unit of content is a blog post.
  • Blogs are regularly updated with new content.
  • Blog contents(in the form of posts) are displayed in reverse chronological order.
  • Blog provides a commenting system that allows users to comment on posts and communicate and interact with authors.
  • Blogs have the option to subscribe to the RSS feed.
  • Doesn’t always have a homepage.
  • Blog is managed by an individual author or by a team.
  • A blog is a type of website where you can share thoughts and experiences that help people to learn, know, and solve their problems


  • In the website, a Basic unit of content is a page.
  • Not updated regularly.
  • Content in form of pages not displayed in reverse chronological order.
  • A comment is not allowed on website pages.
  • Not able to subscribe to rss feed.
  • Always a homepage.
  • The website is generally managed by a company.
  • Website is a platform where we show our products and portfolio of our own company.

All Blogs are Websites, But all Websites are not Blogs

Hope you have clearly understood the difference between a blog and a website. So let’s move on and know what is blogging.

What is Blogging

Blogging is a process of writing about topics, events, or solutions in a blog. Regularly updating a blog by writing new articles or updating old articles is basically called blogging.

What is Blogger

So far you have understood what is blog and blogging. Bloggers are those people who write on blogs.

Bloggers often write about their thoughts, skills, and opinions. So, the person who does blogging is called a blogger.

Blogging as Carrier

Nowadays blogging has become a carrier option for internet lovers.

Blogging is used to share knowledge, build personal branding, promote products through reviews, and make money online.

Blogging is a great source of income if you take it as your business. Making money with a blog takes a lot of time and effort with consistency.

If anyone looking for making money online from sitting at home or living a boss-free life then blogging is a good option for him.

How to Start Your Own Blog.

So, finally, you have decided to start your own blog and think about where you should start. Don’t worry, starting a blog is a very easy task if you have proper guidance.

I have written a complete step-by-step guide on How to start a blog. Check this out and follow mentioned steps to make your blog live.

How to Start a Programming Blog in 2024

How Do Bloggers Make Money From Their Blogs?

There are various methods used by pro bloggers to make money from their blogs.

If you wanna make money too, then check out the given below blog post where I have mentioned all the sources to generate revenue from blogging.

How to Start a Blog in 2024 and Make Money Online

I hope you guys have got an idea about blogs, bloggers, and blogging. I have tried to explain all the blogging-related terms.

If you have any questions regarding this blog post, leave a comment below.

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